Is A Bridge Better Than An Implant For Tooth Replacement
Dr. Jeffrey Gross

Is A Bridge Better Than An Implant For Tooth Replacement?

When it comes to replacing a tooth, the solution isn’t always so cut and dry. Sometimes an implant is the way to go but in other situations, a bridge better than an implant.
In our latest article, we explore a recent case that we dealt with in our practice dealing with this very question.

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mouth pain
Dr. Jeffrey Gross

Getting a 2nd & 3rd Opinion For Your Mouth Pain

Mouth pain isn’t always a dental issue. Making a differential diagnosis is sometimes trial & error, but it is crucial to proper treatment.
You don’t have to live with mouth pain. Sometimes getting a 2nd and even 3rd opinion can help.

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Dental Issues Can Actually be Medical Issues
Dr. Jeffrey Gross

When Dental Issues Are Actually Medical Issues

Generally speaking, if you are experiencing pain in your mouth, jaw, teeth, or gums you should contact your dentist to resolve these particular dental issues. However, oral pain can sometimes be indicative of a much different and sometimes more serious underlying medical issues.

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Teledentistry & Invisalign
Dr. Jeffrey Gross

Teledentistry And Invisalign: Innovation in Orthodontics

In the current Covid-19 era, every business and industry is trying to adjust to the new reality of balancing social distancing and customer interaction. With dentistry, given the nature of the services rendered, the challenges are even greater. However, by leveraging the use of innovative dental technologies, dentists have been achieving success in striking this balance. This is especially true with teledentistry & Invisalign.

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